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World Bicycle Day

Life's A Cycle... Ride It!


Happy World Bicycle Day! 

The bicycle, a unique and versatile mode of transport and recreation has been in use for over two centuries now. As it is a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit and sustainable means of transportation, the UN General Assembly decided to declare 3rd June World Bicycle Day. The purpose of World Bicycle Day is to bring to the forefront the need and advantages of using bicycles more often as a sustainable means of transportation. The UN General Assembly also hopes to strengthen education and emphasise the need of physical training and development of children.

Fostering the culture of bicycle-riding has also been a major focus of many nations around the world. The bicycle serves as a means not just of transportation but also of access to education, health care and sport.The synergy between the bicycle and the user fosters creativity and social engagement and gives the user an immediate awareness of the local environment.

It has become over time a symbol of sustainable transportation and conveys a positive message to inculcate sustainable consumption and production, and has a positive impact on our environment and climate.

In the U.S., half of the number of schoolchildren are dropped off at school by car. If 20% of those living within two miles of school were to bike or walk instead, it would save 4.3 million miles of driving per day. Over a year, that saved driving would prevent 356,000 tons of CO2 and 21,500 tons of other pollutants from being emitted- Pedroso, M., 2008  - Safe Routes to School: Steps to a Greener Future.

Celebrating World Bicycle Day is of immense significance and importance. It should be more widely recognised and observed. The large scale study of the benefits of cycling can reduce the risk of developing or dying from CVD or stroke.

This study also reveals that cycling can help to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and, at a later age, still benefits them.  If the daily modes of transport can be potentially transformed into cycling, it can be one of the most effective forms of exercise for keeping fit. With bicycles, students can complete their chores while reducing the exhaustion of traveling long distances in packed public transport or walking. 

The benefits are truly endless. So start riding a bike, and share a few with us!



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